Are Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Safe to Take?

Taking too many vitamins and mineral supplements could prove harmful. A new study in the UK found that vitamins and minerals, while helpful for certain groups, can be dangerous for the average person that is eating a healthy, regular diet.

Vitamins Folic Acid

Studies have shown that taking more than 1,000 milligrams a day of vitamin C could lead to stomach issues, while a high level of vitamin B6 has been connected to loss of balance, memory loss and even nerve damage. Experts have also issued warnings on consuming too much beta-carotene or zinc.

Vitamins Folic Acid

Safety recommendations have already been recommended on vitamins and minerals such as, boron, zinc, silicon, copper, selenium, nickel, beta-carotene and vitamins B6 and E. There is a plan to create maximum safety levels to be posted on supplements, to educate consumers about potential risks. These ideas are being discussed with health officials, consumer groups and manufacturers. Although, most industry leaders fail to see the lack of solid evidence and do not agree that there is a noteworthy threat to consumers.

Estimations say that the industry is valued at several hundred million dollars a year and that around 9 million people take supplements on a daily basis.

The FSA's Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals (EVM) is asking for proper studies to conclude the impact of certain supplements, predominantly on children and the elderly. The EVM does accept that particular supplements are advantageous for specific people, such as folic acid for pregnant women and those of child-bearing age, and vitamin drops of A, C and D for children six months to two years. Yet, they are undecided as to whether most people need high levels of dietary supplements and recommend that eating a diet of whole, balanced foods would be the best choice for consuming the recommended levels of

The group has requested regulation on 22 vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium, folic acid and vitamins B12, D and K, and recommends a ban on germanium, once hailed as a treatment for cancer, but recently linked to nerve, muscle and kidney damage. They are currently seeking feedback on their recommendations.

The Health Supplements Information Service argues that many studies have proven the positive benefits of dietary aids. They also point out that the FSA is assuming that the average person is getting an adequate diet, while recent government study figures show the modern diet is lacking in many vitamins and minerals that are important for health, such as selenium, zinc, magnesium, calcium, iron, folic acid and B vitamins.

They agree that dietary supplements, only one of the various facets of alternative medicine, aren't meant to replace the benefits of whole foods, but that if used wisely and carefully, they are essential to assuring proper nutrients.

Are Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Safe to Take?
Vitamins Folic Acid

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